Tuesday, 23 April 2013
♥ New TRG LP- New Super Mario Bros WiiU
Hey wassup everyone!!Ruby here as usual. So I know i'm a bit late on this one, pls forgive me, I have been very busy with school, but anyways, The Runaway Guys(TRG) has recently started a new LP, as u can tell from the title and it also features JoshJepson. This game is basically an improved version of New Super Mario Bros Wii with the addition of the Tanuki suit which comes in 2 forms and also different coloured baby Yoshis with new abilities. So if you guys are big fans of the Mario franchise, be sure to check out this game ASAP!!! I really love it, especially the graphics and level design as I find them to be very creative and innovative. Do check out the link below for the game's playlist and if you haven't, also make sure to subscribe to TRG cuz they are awesome!! Yipppeeee~ \(^o^)/ Hope you guys liked this post and stay tuned for more =D
Link: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ-nEMx5LgUnmqQHQbuw5qbNPYy-U6OO9
Link: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ-nEMx5LgUnmqQHQbuw5qbNPYy-U6OO9